Monday, June 2, 2014

Taking the Best of West and not the Waste of it

The West has given some of the finest technological and managerial wonders to the entire humanity. There is however a drive to restructure and reorient the entire world around them. This might be a justifiable objective of the thinkers, philosophers and leaders of the western civilization. All the intellectual skulduggery confined in the research and advocacy can be given a fair chance as well honoring the innate intrinsic right of every civilization to push through its very own values, visions and virtues.

Nevertheless, invoking the very same principle of reciprocity the other oriental and ancient civilizations of the east should have the right to exercise their very own choices as to what they consider worth accommodating, adopting and accepting. 

The thinkers, scholars and leaders of these civilizations should exercise their discretion in allowing only the best what west has to offer and avoid the waste which it's astute business minds tend to push onto the humble, civilized, self contained and non-aggressive people of the eastern worlds.

In the garb of hallowed but hollow skewed and monopolised concepts of globalization, technology, democracy and blind faith of evoking fairness in all human transactions by dint of freedom accorded to the market forces the indigenous individual rights of civilizations just can't be snatched away or at best duped in the name of people's choice brought about using the power of ruthless reckless unbridled media which adheres and pushes the worldview of its benefactors.

There is therefore a greater need to consolidate the indigenous experience and create an elaborate blue-print of what all to accept and what all to discard from the west. The power of technology shows be unleashed by independent voices to create a truly interconnected world and not dominated by one civilization in particular.

The mantra which need to get propounded and propagated is 'Accepting the best of West while avoiding the Waste of it.'

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