When you tend to reason out the creation around you, you do need a modus operandi to let the unfurling of this grandiose exploration as well as a framework to record your findings so as to use them out in your further reasoning process.
The propensity to reason out the existence and to create a personalized framework based on the same varies from individual to individual.
From time immemorial this innate human propensity has been catered to by a large number of philosophical systems which suggest their very own modus operandi and framework.
The unraveling of the existence has probably been the innate intrinsic inspiration of all educational systems as well,
Somewhere down the progression of human civilization the philosophical systems got divorced from the educational systems and vice-versa.
The other human propensity to exercise dominion over others probably let to the rigidity of educational systems and religiosity of philosophical systems.
While systems are important guidelines for neophytes to acquire a quick understanding of the existence from a particular modus operandi and in a peculiar framework, they need to be dismantled or taken away once an initial level of understanding is struck at.
The reckoning starts when you start unlearning the framework which you have developed through any modus operandi.
This is probably what we are missing. This very process of unlearning is probably the solution to all what ails today's educational as well as philosophical systems.
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