Much before the electoral outcomes of Bihar all those forces which are oblique & oblivious to the Indian view
had regrouped & regalvanized converging their energies to create a well coordinated
multi-layered attack on the emergent developmental narrative of India.
They used every arsenal in their ammunition deck to unleash and widen up the very fault lines of Indian society so very resplendent and deeply entrenched into the societal canvass of Bihar.
Small stray incidents were carefully chosen and blown out of proportion and converted into a rallying war cry to capsize the attention of one and all. The contesting emotive narrative of 'intolerance' became the dominant one and overturned the 'developmental' doctrine, which gets more intellectual to internalise.
The wide range of tactics deployed to amplify and sustain this 'intolerance' ripple can be an emphatic case study for academics & journalists of various hues but would somewhere have a deeper reckoning to the strategists defining the direction and furtherance of the BJP empire.
The strategic triad of Development, Governance and consequent Electoral Politics somewhere took the predominant seat within the rank and file of party thinkers and organizers making them grossly oblivious to the sordid state of affairs prevalent.
The narrative of development can give a chuckle to the electorate for a while, but to be a persistent part of this long painstaking process the comfort zones of many are to be abrogated, which have its own side-effects.
The bonds created out of electoral politics are quite shallow and are based on a kind of a short term revocable contract. I would give you my franchise, you shall provide me back with my sheer comforts whatsoever I have got used to. I am not bothered as to how you should accomplish it. I don't care what all legacy challenges you face and I won't appreciate your efforts and the grandiose of your vision. I am driven by my impulses and not the intricacies of your intellectual inadequacies. You can't appeal to my sense of fulfilment beyond a point. I am a mere self-centred indulgent consumer of political services, you have to satiate me by all means or else I would sabotage and scuttle even the most profound of work in progress.
Transformational Developmental Governance has thereby to be consoldiated and integrated into the deeper civilizational values and virtues heralded, defended and showcased by intellectual leaders in the social, spiritual and academic confines.
Somewhere, this parallel element of societal organisation based on conventional civilizational ethos duly defended and championed by a vigilant, well networked and action oriented intelligentsia deeply anchored & nurtured by social & academic institutions has been missed out to a great extent.
The decoupling of the political narrative from that of the civilizational one has somewhere dented the political prospects which is being over exemplified all over again continuing the vicious trap.
The ideal of 'Organization for Organization' sake can go on in the societal space for perpetuity. But in order to capsize the damsel of power persistently for a longer haul, a much wider construct would be warranted for suiting to the most modern, sophisticated and subtle tactics of psychological warfare.
A cogent community of dispassionate thinkers and activists armed and endowed sufficiently to carry forward the civilizational narrative of India would have to be created.
They would defend the civilizational values & virtues on the intellectual plane from a positive & progressive standpoint. They would have the audacity to accept the dents & aberrations into the fabric and the capacity to extoll the reasoning behind.
This community would also undertake the decimation of intellectual sophistry aimed at disarming the indigenous precept by laying various false traps such as the one woven through the triad of 'municipal meat ban'; 'stray beef violence'; and 'awardwapasi'.
The objective discourse on the innate intrinsic ethos of Indian civilizational virtues would be the third and most important element of this rejiging effort which would inspire and instigate a wide variety of advancements and integrations across.
It would be difficult to continue the politics of development without the outer layers of subtle but significant civilizational discourse unfurling in action.
The wolves have been terming the cows as intolerant, disarming even their little leftover natural resistance. If they are not contained by erecting the outer security wall of herbivore elephants whose trumpeting can scare them out, the lone tigers would find it difficult to prevent the slaughter.