The youthful idealism propelled by the resonating reasonable rhetoric of a seventy year old ascetic compounded with the presence of a crusading investigative journalist of international repute gave me the due confidence to jump into the fray.
The launch velocity and angle was such that I could sustain the flight for over half a decade despite the multifarious vagaries and vicissitudes. The learnings and deliveries were both extraordinary on multiple counts duly documented and established in the public domain.
The flight which was never envisioned for a finite time frame got duly grounded due to inordinate challenges of hypocrisy and dichotomy.
Nothing can be as abrasive and obstructive to the commitment and dedication of a young idealist who looks for a principled stand.
The innate contradictions which got overlooked or got impregnated over time tears apart from within. It opens up a deluge of questions as to whether the cause was right in the first place or its carriers got drifted away on way.
The power of hindsight of over 5 years has given me tremendous inroads into the machinization of what all transgressed with me. Extrapolating the reasonings of the same to other ongoing movements further consolidated my thoughtprocess and understanding.
Ideals are nothing but ideas which are inspired and implemented by individuals over a period of time. Individuals are fallibles out of age, arrogance or apathy. Institutions which get built around these individuals tend to idolate the latter for want for continuity. Inspiration tends to become influence which in turn transforms into injunctions & instructions the obedience of which without questioning is seen as a hallmark of adherence to the original idea idolized into an ideal which incrementally transgresses into a dissipating ideology.
The thinking and reasoning ones having due faith in their capabilities tend to desert the ship while the emotional and lesser competent ones tend to cling on to further deteriorate the original idea.
The former chose different ways and means to accomplish the original idea instead of getting succumbed to the tyranny of the latter.
This is a natural flow of life with no absolute positions. Those who tend to cling onto the original idea keep onovong and do make their due dent in the cosmos. They are tormented, terrified and tarnished with innumerable taboos. This is just but the usual design which a believer has to tread and make his way forward.
The journey of Swadharma has it all. It's a walk full of unimaginable challenges even to the extent of abrogating one's integrity and self-respect.
I feel happy and contented to have moved on rescuing my conscience and immense faith in the original idea which I am treading in my own ways and means. The original institution is decaying and dying and is going to the verge of decimation.